Watch this recording of a virtual conversation on May 4, 2021 between Congressmen Simpson and Blumenauer discussing their ideas around a comprehensive solution for Columbia-Snake River Basin salmon and Northwest communities and infrastructure.
Background: In late April 2021, Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) announced his intention to work with Congressman Mike Simpson (R-ID) and the people of the Pacific Northwest "to help craft solutions that protect and restore salmon throughout the [Columbia] Basin, ensure environmental protections and help communities thrive."
He recognizes we face an "existential threat to iconic fish species, to indigenous ways of life, and to sustainability and prosperity... and have an opportunity [today] to end the cycle of conflict, degradation and regional uncertainty."
SOS is excited to share this news with you - and we're grateful to Rep. Blumenauer for his commitment to join forces with Rep. Simpson and work urgently toward solutions to help Northwest salmon and orca, fishing, farming and tribal communities, and clean and affordable energy system. This conversation hosted on Congressman Blumenauer's youtube channel was the first public conversation between these two policymakers on this topic.
For further information, follow this link to an April 30 Idaho Statesman article about this emerging partnership between a conservative Republican from Idaho and progressive Democrat from Oregon.
Thank you, as ever, for your support and advocacy for abundant Snake River salmon, healthy Southern Resident orcas and prosperous communities. Please reach to with questions and to get more involved.