Friday evening, Sept. 8 and Saturday, Sept. 9 2017
Chief Timothy State Park, Clarkston, WA
Last year more than 400 people from throughout the Pacific Northwest came together on water in support of the return of a free-flowing lower Snake River. This year, river, salmon and orca advocates, tribal members, anglers, and others will gather again on the river to Free the Snake.
Here’s a chance to experience the lower Snake River for yourself and learn more about why removing four dams is so critical to restoring salmon, orcas, lamprey; and why it is necessary to honor treaties with Native American tribes. These four dams impede salmon from reaching the largest piece of intact salmon habitat left in the lower 48, thousands of miles of pristine river habitat across millions of acres in Idaho, northeast Oregon and southeast Washington. Meanwhile, the benefits these dams have declined dramatically while their costs to both salmon and taxpayers have grown.
The need for dam removal grows more urgent every day. The Columbia-Snake basin has suffered huge salmon losses due to dam impacts. This year, we are witnessing the lowest return of wild Snake River steelhead seen in decades. It’s time to stand up for our rivers and salmon and bring back the abundant runs our rivers can support if given half a chance.
This year’s route begins at Chief Timothy State Park Saturday morning near Clarkston and heads downriver for 3 miles and then back to the park. Speakers, music and camping Friday and Saturday nights. Friday will feature tribal speakers followed by Spokane’s Folkinception. Saturday’s after-celebration will include music featuring Smackout Pack and Atlas Hugged.
Join us September 8 and 9, 2017 when we'll say with one clear voice: it's time to remove four outdated, low-value, deadbeat dams on the lower Snake River. It's time to free the Snake!
To register and to get all the details, scroll down this page and visit:
Questions: Contact Sam Mace at, 509-863-5696
Note: new launch site and destination for 2017!
CAMPSITES: We have reserved more than 60 campsites at Chief Timothy Park for the evening of Friday, Sept. 8 and Saturday, Sept. 9. All tent sites and RV sites are first-come, first-served. You do not need to make a reservation with the park. Flotilla volunteers will collect $10 per tent and $20 per RV (per night) at the park entrance to help cover the cost of reserving the park. Cash only.
WATERCRAFT: If you need to rent a watercraft, these places may be of help. It is your responsibility to contact, rent, pick up and return all equipment. Kayaks, canoes, SUPs and rafts are acceptable watercraft. Keep in mind this is slack water with little current. All boaters must wear a personal floation device. Please arrange watercraft rental before Saturday, Sept. 9.
Whitman College Outdoor Program:
Walla Walla Washington 509-527-5965
Washington State University Recreation:
Pullman, Washington 509-335-1892
University of Idaho Outdoor Program:
Moscow, Idaho 208-885-6170
Lewis-Clark State College Campus Recreation:
Lewiston, Idaho 208-792-2664
Tri-State Outfitters:
Moscow, Idaho 208-882-4555
(store locations in Lewiston, Coeur d'Alene, Moses Lake)
To Chief Timothy from Lewiston, Idaho and Clarkston, Washington:
Take Highway 12 west for 8.2 miles from downtown Clarkston. Turn right at Silcot Grade Road and cross a short bridge to Silcot Island and Chief Timothy Park.
Friday, Sept. 8, 2017
SCHEDULE - Friday evening, Sept. 8 and Saturday, Sept. 9:
September 8, 2017:
5 p.m.
A guest speaker and live music from Folkinception at Chief Timothy Park. Flotilla participants are encouraged to join for camping both Friday and Saturday nights. Camping is first-come, first-served..
Saturday, Sept. 9, 2017
8 a.m.
Meet at Chief Timothy Park boat launch parking lot in Clarkston, Wash. There will be parking lot volunteers to greet people, facilitate unloading watercraft and parking vehicles. Look for flotilla registration table to sign waivers. Coffee and light breakfast foods will be provided. A flotilla logistics and water safety team talk will follow.
10 a.m.
Launch boats. You are responsible for your own water, snacks, etc. See Flotilla Essentials above. This year we will paddle 3 miles downstream from the park through several beautiful portions of the Snake River Canyon. Round-trip paddle will be 6 miles.
3 p.m.
Return to Chief Timothy Park and eat lunch. There will be food for sale, but participants are welcome to bring food, too.The remainder of the afternoon is for conversation, relaxation and reflection. For those who are camping at the park it will be a good time to set up camp.
5 p.m.
Live music by Smackout Pack, Atlas Hugged and additional festivities at Chief Timothy Park. Camping available.
You can also visit: for updates and further information.