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Save Our Wild Salmon

Join Save Our Wild Salmon for three Thursdays - October 1, 8 and 15 - for our Fall Wild Salmon Speaker Series.

2020.webinarThis online speaker series (via zoom) will feature in-depth conversations with several experts and leaders to discuss different aspects of salmon and steelhead recovery efforts - with a focus on the Snake River Basin.

Join us on October 1, 8, and 15 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm PST to learn about the challenges, opportunities and implications of restoring the lower Snake River and its endangered fish by removing four federal dams. We'll explore ways to solve today's Snake and Columbia river salmon crisis in a manner that also ensures clean, reliable and affordable energy and prosperous communities and cultures.

These conversations and audience Q&A will be moderated by SOS' Sam Mace and Joseph Bogaard.

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(1) Columbia/Snake river salmon and Southern Resident orcas - What's the connection?
Thursday, October 1st from 6:00-7:30 pm PST.

University of Washington's Dr. Sam Wasser and Natural ResourcesDefense Council's (NRDC) Giulia Good-Stefani will share their expertise on the critical connections between Southern Resident orcas and Columbia Basin salmon.

samweb 300x199Dr. Sam Wasser acquired his B.Sc in Zoology at Michigan State University, his M.Sc in Zoology at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and his Ph.D. in Animal Behavior at the University of Washington. After receiving his Ph.D., Wasser was awarded the first H.F. Guggenheim Career Development Award for his studies of reproductive impacts of aggression in female mammals. He then received the first Research Scientist Development Award from the Smithsonian Institution for his work on noninvasive hormone methods. During his time at the Smithsonian, Wasser also directed their Conservation and Management Training Program for African nationals. After 5 years at the Smithsonian, Wasser returned to the University of Washington as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Scientific Director of the Center for Wildlife Conservation at the Woodland Park Zoo. In 2001, Wasser was awarded the endowed chair in Conservation Biology by the University of Washington Board of Reagents. He is currently a Research Professor in the UW Department of Biology and Director of their Center for Conservation Biology after being awarded the endowed chair in Conservation Biology by the University of Washington Board of Regents.

guiliagoodstefani sf 450Giulia Good Stefani works to protect marine mammals and other wildlife, wild places, and communities from environmental injustices. Prior to joining NRDC, she taught and supervised a law clinic at Yale Law School as a Robert M. Cover Fellow, worked for a small Los Angeles law firm, and clerked for the Honorable Richard A. Paez of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. She represents NRDC on the Orca Salmon Alliance and as an advisor to the Emergency Orca Task Force created by Governor Inslee in 2018. She holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Dartmouth College and a J.D. from Yale Law School. Stefani works out of Mosier, Oregon.

Please forward/share this announcement to people who may be interested. Here is the Facebook event page for sharing with your social media networks.

(2) The high stakes of Columbia-Snake river salmon recovery for Northwest coastal communities
Thursday, October 8th from 6:00-7:30 pm PST.
Elizabeth Herendeen (Salmon State, Juneau, AK) and Joel Kawahara (Coastal Trollers Association, Quilcene, WA) will share their perspectives on the role that salmon play in the cultures, economies and communities of the Pacific Northwest.
P1040283 768x768Originally from the East Coast, Marketplace Manager Elizabeth Herendeen‘s first introduction to wild salmon was at six, when her uncle gave her a children’s book about an Atlantic salmon’s journey to the sea and back. Her professional work with salmon began in 2003 as a policy intern for Trout Unlimited. She spent the next eight years working for Trout Unlimited in Portland, Oregon and in Juneau, where she started the WhyWild Program. She was the Marketing Director for the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association from 2013-2015. In 2015, she started her own consulting business, Feeding Change, helping small-scale food producers develop and implement strategic business and marketing plans. She joined the SalmonState team in 2016 and helps oversee anything and everything that involves catching, processing, selling, buying, cooking, and eating wild salmon.
joel copy
Joel Kawahara is a commercial fisherman in Washington and Alaska. He is an active member of the Coastal Trollers Association and has sat on the board of Save Our Wild Salmon for many years. Joel also served for many years on the board of the Alaska Trollers Association and has served for more than a decade as a member of the Habitat Committee for the Pacific Fisheries Management Council.
Please forward/share this announcement to people who may be interested. Here is the Facebook event page for sharing with your social media networks.

(1) Salmon, justice and community - a perspective from Northwest faith leaders
Thursday, October 15th from 6:00-7:30 pm PST.
Salmon are a Northwest icon, a species of great cultural, ecological, and spiritual significance. Join LeeAnne Beres and Rev. John Rosenberg of Earth Ministry to explore the sacredness of salmon and how the faith community is bringing people together to restore the Lower Snake River for the benefit of all.
LeeAnne Beres bio photoLeeAnne Beres joined Earth Ministry in 2005, providing strategic direction that led to the development of the organization’s nationally-recognized faithful advocacy program, launching of Washington Interfaith Power & Light, and revitalization of the Greening Congregations program. Previously, she served as the Associate Director of Save Our Wild Salmon, Outreach Director of the NW Energy Coalition, and in organizing positions with other environmental non-profits. She also survived two years working as a biologist on commercial fishing boats in Alaska’s Bering Sea. LeeAnne has served on numerous national, regional, and local boards and is active in her church, Fauntleroy United Church of Christ. LeeAnne has a Master’s degree in Marine Fisheries Management from the University of Washington and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Whitman College.
clip image001John Rosenberg is a retired Lutheran (ELCA) pastor and an avid angler and environmental advocate. In addition to his theological training, he has a M.A. in Pacific Northwest History from Portland State University where he did research on the history of salmon decline on the Columbia and Snake Rivers. His articles on salmon and salmon recovery have appeared in a number of publications including High Country News, the Center for Environmental Law & Policy newsletter, the Seattle TimesThe Olympian, and Earth Letter (Spring 2019). He is a former board member of Earth Ministry and currently serves on the board of the South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group and the Regional Fisheries Coalition. He and his spouse, Nancy Faaren, live in Tumwater, Washington.
Please forward/share this announcement to people who may be interested. Here is the Facebook event page for sharing with your social media networks.


SOS Inland Northwest Director Sam Mace first got involved in efforts to protect Snake River wild salmon and steelhead 20+ years ago working for the Idaho Wildlife Federation. She’s worked for SOS since 2004. Sam lives in Spokane with her dog and her sweetheart, and spends her free time fishing, hiking and gardening.


bogaardSOS Executive Director Joseph Bogaard began working for Save Our Wild Salmon as an organizer in 1996. He first got hooked on Northwest salmon restoration efforts while in graduate school where he authored a paper in the mid-1990s, exploring the then-relatively recent Snake River salmon listings under the Endangered Species Act, and how it might impact Northwest lands and waters, its energy system and tribal and non-tribal communities. Joseph lives outside of Seattle with his wife Amy and their children.



 • Scientists' White Letter: Southern Resident Killer Whales & Columbia/Snake River Chinook: A Review of the Available Scientific Evidence (Feb. 2020)  PDF
• Salmon Scientists' Letter to Governor Inslee's Southern Resident Orca Recovery Task Force (Oct. 2018)  PDF
• The Importance of Commercial & Recreational Fishing in Washignton State (Jan. 2020)  PDF
• Letter to Rep. Derek Kilmer signed by Lutheran Bishop Richard Jaech and 76 other clergy and lay leaders in the 6th Congressional District (August 2020)  PDF

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