OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR: 360-902-4111 (9 am - 5 pm PST)
Key messages (leave a voice mail and/or a message with his staff):
1. Thank Governor Inslee for his leadership in establishing the Orca Task Force earlier this year. Now it is time to fund a critically important recomendation - the establishment of a stakeholder forum to discuss dam removal.
2. There's no time to waste. Orca survival depends on Governor Inslee's urgent leadership.
3. Governor Inslee must act quickly make sure stakeholder forum funding is included in final state budget.
Additional details:
The Orca Task Force (OTF), Governor Inslee, and 43 legislators have all voiced their support for the creation of a stakeholder forum to discuss and develop community solutions in the event that the lower Snake River dams are removed. Meanwhile, opponents are trying to block funding and keep people from engaging with each other.
Orca today swim at the brink of extinction. Restoring the healthy, resilient, connected rivers and salmon populations in the Columbia-Snake and the Salish Sea Basins are essential pieces of a regional plan to feed starving orca. It is the Snake River, however, that scientists tell us has the greatest potential to produce very large numbers of chinook that orca need to survive and recover.
The stakeholder forum represents a much-needed, state sponsored opportunity to bring people together to talk, share concerns, and explore options relating to the lower Snake River and its dams and endangered salmon populations that orca rely on. This is a low-cost investment with high-impact potential - not only for salmon and orca but also for fishing, farming, and other communities across the state affected by the fate of these species.
*PLEASE ACT TODAY: Ask Gov. Inslee to ensure funding is secured for the formation of a stakeholder forum to develop solutions for salmon, orca and communities.
Thank you!
For further information and to get involved, contact:
Joseph Bogaard,; 206-300-1003
Sam Mace,; 509-863-5696