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Save Our Wild Salmon

seatimes.special1Here is the first in a special multi-part series by Lynda Mapes of the Seattle Times that will explore the plight of the Southern Resident orcas.

A Seattle Times special report
Orcas thrive in waters to the north. Why are Puget Sound’s dying?

Southern resident killer whales are facing extinction, while orcas in British Columbia and southeast Alaska are growing in numbers. These whales in a better habitat expose why Puget Sound's orcas are suffering.

Follow the link to the Seattle Times website - the story is accompanied by moving photos and video of the Southern Residents and the Northern Residents.




And here's how you can help: Contact Governor Jay Inslee today.

Thank Governor Inslee for establishing the Orca Recovery Task Force earlier this year - then ask him to move quickly to support and/or enact its recommendations - including the two critical recommendations to (1) increase spill at the federal dams on the lower Snake and lower Columbia rivers in time for the 2019 juvenile out-migration, and (2) convene the Tribal/stakeholder to identify concerns and develop key elements of a dam removal transition plan for the lower Snake River.

Thank you.

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