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SOS Blog

Save Our Wild Salmon


We'll get right to the point - today - 11.27.2018 - is givingtuesday - a global day of giving - and we hope that you will support our important work at the Save Our wild Salmon Coalition with a generous donation.Global.Logo.2018

With your support, we'll continue:

  • Defending and restoring healthy rivers, the wild salmon and steelhead that inhabit them, and the many valuable benefits both deliver to communities and ecosystems;
  • Holding accountable the federal government and its agencies in the Northwest to uphold our nation's laws and treaties and protect our lands, waters and fish and wildlife;
  • Collaborating with partners, building new alliances, educating and mobilizing the public, engaging with those with whom we may disagree, and moving policymakers to protect and restore healthy, resilient lands and waters and the fish and wildlife and human communities that need them.

At SOS, we're calling 2018 the Year of the Orca - the year when Tahlequah, the orca mother, made international news with hert.shirt.2018 heart-breaking 17-day, 1,000 mile procession of grief bearing her lifeless newborn calf through the waters of the Salish Sea in the Pacific Northwest.

This is also the year that Governor Inslee (WA) established the Southern Resident Orca Recovery Task Force - highlighting the urgent plight of orca and bringing together dozens of state leaders to develop an action plan to sustain this unique and critically endangered community of whales. We're off to a good start, but much hard work remains.

Working with a wonderful local artist, we've developed a fantastic new t-shirt design (shown here) honoring Northwest salmon and the Southern Resident orca that depend on them.

These new t's are tan, short-sleeve, organic cotton, and available in mens and womens sizes. Learn more at our donor page.

Thank you in advance for your support,

Joseph, Sam and the whole SOS crew
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